Friday, July 21, 2006

Everyday Things...

"...For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."
Philippians 4:11

The busiest time in our day is always bedtime. Trying to coordinate three children in baths, books, and beds - when they really just want to play - can be a challenge. In addition to that, I'm tired and ready for them to go to bed so that I can have some alone time (by myself or with Papa). These are the moments I tend to rush!

Candy Man never lets us forget to pray. Even if they're all tucked in and had their last drink, potty, etc... he'll get everyone up because we forgot to pray. This has been going on for 2 months now. It is a shame that I have seen this time as "another stall tactic". God convicted me of this in the last few weeks.

My Everyday Thing is bedtime prayer! I've started taking the initiative and gathering them all together in one of their beds and taking turns praying and thanking God for our day. How sweet are the prayers of children! Even Game Master, who's been avoiding praying aloud recently, has taken to praying with earnest again! It ends our day, and our busy evenings, with a sweet time together. We all give hugs and kisses and head to bed after that. I'm so thankful to God for opening my eyes and helping me to better appreciate this time with my little ones!


Susanne said...

Awww! That's a great thing. And even if it is a stall tactic to begin with as you are consistent their little hearts will desire it because it is prayer time with mom. And how great that the last thing of their day is focusing on the Lord, not on tv, or video games, etc. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hi I came via Everyday Mommy's - sometimes I have been guilty of rushing though prayers so that I can just have a sit down, which isn't the best example to my children and doesn't honour God. I need to appreciate this time more. Thanks. Blessings.

Malissa said...

yes! I was just thinking we were so busy this week with VBS that we mostly rushed through our bedtime prayers.

Have to get back to not rushing them!

Jennifer said...

I bet they'll always remember how prayer was a priority in their home and be blessed by it. Hopefully they'll carry on the tradition in their homes someday!