Wednesday, March 26, 2008

God moments...

There are so many good God moments happening in my life right now. When they occur, I look forward to blogging about them. But then life happens and all I can think to blog is...

CandyMan is home from school today. He had a low grade fever yesterday evening - with a headache. I thought he seemed fine though. This morning his fever is fine, but he says he still feels bad. And I smell his breath?? So I look at his appears fine. Then I look at his teeth. Aha!! His teeth are abscessed again! It's infection! What is causing this!??

We are going to the dentist this afternoon for an emergency visit. The poor guy, I can't believe his teeth/gums are hurting terribly!!

So, I recognize the enemy distracting me from the God moments, but I will not be had! As soon as I remember them, I'll tell you all about it...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor guy! Hope the dentist provided some quick relief!! :)
LA :)