I have this child...let's see... Can you guess which one?
He is driving me crazy. Or more likely, I'm letting him drive me crazy! I'm trying really hard to stay on top of his discipline. It seems like he is totally out of control - most of the time. He can be so mean and terribly disrespectful. He lacks any regret of his actions. It is really disturbing. It is so exhausting!
Twice this weekend he got to go over to a friends for awhile to play. I can't tell you how calm and peaceful our home was during that time. Even CandyMan commented about it. He usually can't stand to see his brother go anywhere. He wants to be with him at all times. That wasn't the case this weekend. CM was relieved to have a break and said so!
But with each return of GM, everything was out of whack! He was yelling, screaming, name calling, picking, hitting, threatening, crying, tantrum throwing, lying out of control! I hate to admit this, but I'm NOT exaggerating! It was really terrible. He is so emotional (mostly angry). He's just mad about not getting his way. It doesn't matter how big or how small the issue is - he can't handle being told no. I'm almost scared of him.