Monday, July 03, 2006

Where I live (part 5)

This is a continuation of the story from last week. You might want to go back and "catch up".

Yes, it was hard to leave our church family in January 2005. But remember, God knew this was coming. It was His plan for us and He prepared us for it.

We began searching for a church in the area of our new home. We looked and looked. We couldn’t find one that was racially diverse, Bible based, and nearby. It was very frustrating for me at times. Again, comes the question, “God, why do you have us here?”

That summer, several families moved away from our street, including all the children! At least half of the houses on our street were empty. Those that were full, mostly had single disabled or elderly. And so, we began having street parties! We had a barbeque, a holiday dinner…

It took until August 2006 to get us to the church we are now at. It is diverse and Bible-based, but it is not nearby. It is actually very close to our old church! It has fulfilled a need for our family to be in a church where we can worship and hear a steady word of truth. We immediately built a relationship with their small group pastor – he expressing his willingness to help us with our ministry here. And then it was announced one Sunday that he was gone and was not coming back. Again, “God, why do you have us here?”

Something that I have left out, that needs to be said, is our marital problems during these two years! This became the most difficult times in our marriage. We have never fought like we did in a certain 6 month period. It was just awful. This hurt my walk with the Lord more than anything else. I felt like He had picked me up and put me where I wouldn’t know anyone, where no one would be there for me and just abandoned me. This was the most difficult struggle in my whole life. I questioned everything I thought I believed.

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